Pants on fire again!

Only this time with a difference, because the blaze is so intense it can be seen the length and breadth of this island and pretty well everywhere else you can think of, has caused an answering storm of furious anger, I’ve never seen so many people on social media, so torn with anger as I’ve seen this morning. This time the Prime Mendacitor has gone a step too far. To throw a party when you’ve just given instructions to the electorate that they are to do no such thing but are to obey the rules, is arrogant and cruel. It mocks all the people who obeyed the rules and had to leave their loved ones to die on their own and have been grieving about it ever since.’

And now to make matters even worse, he is trying to deny it, even though his senior officials were joking about it in a leaked video of a mock televised press briefing and it isn’t just one source that have given evidence that there really was a huge staff party in Downing Street on the 18th of December last year, but several. According to the Guardian the video ‘shows Stratton, the prime minister’s advisor, Ed Oldfield and other staff making a series of jokes about the party, including references to “cheese and wine”, lack of social distancing and making the excuse that it was a business meeting’.

Even Starmer is publicly calling Johnson a liar. The Guardian reports him as saying ‘”To lie and to laugh about those lies is shameful. The prime minister now needs to come clean and apologise.”‘

And then he has the gall to put on a police uniform and pose for pictures with a group of police. They should have been arresting him, not posing with him. But he is so sure he may do whatever he wants with no consequences that he just continues to dress up and ponce about in public and expect us all to love him for it.

I’ve got news for you Prime Mendacitor, WE DON’T. And more and more of us are now hating you with a passion. On an entirely personal note I’m currently waiting for my 31st book to see the light of day and groaning because it is so pertinent to what’s going on in the political world at the moment that I can’t wait to see it up and out there. It is called ‘The Great I Am’ and is about a fictional politician who tells lies as easily as he breathes and is foul to the women in his life and the children he has fathered. And because I hate him and politicians like him so much, he gets a cruel comeuppance in the final chapter. The people who are currently livid with fury at the party will enjoy it very much and many are already saying so.

Strength to your arms all you who oppose this appalling man. ‘We shall overcome.’

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