I have a new assistant

Charlotte and I now have the full time assistance of a literary animal, seen here studying some of the evidence that we shall be using in book 30. He has taken to his duties with great seriousness, is a dab-paw on the keyboard and has rapidly found his way around my library.

Sometimes it is a little difficult to remove him from one of his vantage points so that we can actually get at the book we need, but he takes it in good part and returns to his perusal of the great works as soon as we’ve stopped messing around.

We have to keep him well fed naturally. He is a creature of many talents and cultivated tastes. We shared a dish of Salmon en Croute yesterday evening for example and today he tells me – by speaking very clearly every time I open the refrigerator – that he would prefer roast chicken. Charlotte has kept him well provided with warm milk which he says assists his brain cells.

Expect great things from the three of us for in one way and another we are all inspired!


2 thoughts on “I have a new assistant

  1. What a very smart assistant! You are very lucky. Cats are wonderfully entertaining. Our late, lamented tabby cat used to like cheese – (occasionally) – and was an expert frog-catcher. Though fortunately, he never ate them.


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